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Google Scholar and Cited Reference Searching

Accessing Library Materials through Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar Library Links

  1. Click on the three lines in the upper left hand corner
  2. Choose Settings> library links>search for Carleton College
  3. Make sure that the box labeled "Carleton College Full Text" is checked (this is the only box that should be checked)
  4. Save your preferences
  5. Look for "full text" links next to articles when you search. Links to some collections like ScienceDirect and JSTOR,  will also bring you to those collections even though they do not say "full text" on their access link


Accessing Non-Carleton Full Text

Sometimes the full text of an article is available for free through Google Scholar.

  1. Search Google Scholar for the article.
  2. Look at the right-hand side of the result list. Are there links there that lead you to the full text?
  3. Click on the "All x Versions" link below the result for the article. Are there versions that include the full text of the article?