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A standard work of reference on notable figures from American history, originally published in 1999 and continually updated.
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English-language newspapers, magazines and books following the history of descent into war in East and South-East Asia from early 1900 to 1950.
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Contains scholarly journals, trade publications, and magazines from across the disciplines and from popular culture. Much of the content is available in full text. An ELM Database.
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A comprehensive current news database, contains hundreds of local, regional, national, and international news sources (including the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minneapolis Star Tribune).
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Provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Most journals are included from their first issue until 5 years ago.
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A vast index of literature from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Also offers cited reference searching to see who has cited a particular document. 1898 - current.