Professor Feiler - Fall 2009
This guide contains information on:
1. The Literature Review
2. Behavioral Economics Resources and Example Data
See the subject guide Economics: Literature for general guidance on using both the professional literature and newspapers and trade publications for your literature search.
Guidance for searching EconLit
Tips for making the most of your search in this key index of Economic scholarly literature.
Some of the JEL subject descriptors of particular use to this seminar are:
Remember that both searching and browsing are worthwhile strategies. Spend some time with keywords and some time browsing the contents of specific journals or articles assigned specific subject headings.
Most Important Indexes to Journal Literature:
Al Roth's Game Theory, Experimental Economics, and Market Design Page
This economics professor at Harvard provides a huge array of links to bibliographies, articles, interview and lecture excerpts, and more.
Colin Camerer's Web Site
Recent papers and data published by this professor at the California Institute of Technology.
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Research Center for Behavioral Economics and Decision Making
Access working papers and presentations from conferences and events.
Game Theory
Entry on "game theory" from the Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy also includes a very useful bibliography.
Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics: Foundations and Developments; ed. by Morris Altman: CC Books HB74.P8 H363 2006
Herbert Gintis' Web Site
Papers, computer programs, and more from this University of Massachussets professor emeritus
Laboratory for Experimental Economics and Political Science
Access Caltech's EEPS: data and replays of experiments, and publications developed using the library's software.
The Philosophy of Experimental Economics: A Bibliography by University of Exeter professor Francesco Guala