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PSYC 365: Science and Pseudoscience in Psychology

Course guide for Ken Abram's Spring 2020 course

Core Psychology Article Databases

Popular vs Scholarly Articles

Peer reviewed articles can be found in the library databases listed above. Many offer the option to limit to scholarly or peer reviewed articles. The table below discusses some of the features of peer reviewed articles and how they are different from popular articles.


Popular Articles Scholarly, Peer Reviewed Articles
Published in magazines or newspapers (National Geographic, New York Times) Published in scholarly journals (American Psychologist, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy)
Authors are journalists/publication staff Authors are expert researchers affiliated with a research institution (college/university, hospital, institute, etc.)
Written for the general public; avoid dense, technical language Purpose is to communicate research findings to other experts
Do not include a formal bibliography, works cited, or references list Always include a bibliography, works cited, and/or references list
Often include bright, eye-catching photos Often display data in charts and graphs
Evaluated for publication by magazine/newspaper editor Evaluated and recommended for publication by other experts in the field during the peer-review process