First-Initial Last-Name, Abbreviated-Journal-Title Volume-Number, Start-Page (year).
First-Initial Last-Name, "Article Title (not always included)," Abbreviated-Journal-Title Volume-Number, Start-Page (year).
First-Initial Last-Name, Abbreviated-Journal-Title Volume-Number, StartPage-EndPage (year).
1. J. B. Ruebeck, J. Lin, and A. K. Pattanayak, Phys. Rev. E 95, 062222 (2017).
2. A. J. Metcalf, C. D. Fredrick, R. C. Terrien et. al, Opt. Lett. 44, 2673 (2019).
First-Initial Last-Name, Title, Xnd ed. (edition number) (Publisher, Publisher-City, Year), p. start-number.
Note: book titles should be italicized.
First-Initial Last-Name, in Proceedings-Title-Or-Book-Title, edited by First-Name Last-Name (Publisher, Publisher-City, Year), p. start-number.
K. F. Kaplan, C. F. Bender, R. C. Terrien, in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2019).
In AIP Style, scholarly journals are referred to using abbreviated titles; for example, the journal Reviews of Modern Physics would be abbreviated to Rev. Mod. Phys. If journal title abbreviations do not appear automatically in your Zotero record (or if you're typing out your citations by hand), try searching by journal title in the sources linked below to find official journal title abbreviations.
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