Events in 2020 revealed the systemic racial and social disparities that affect our most vulnerable populations, from the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement to the risks essential workers face every day during the pandemic. We recognize that it is important to offer works represented by historically marginalized voices, such as people of the global majority, people with disabilities, people identifying as LBGTQIA+, etc. We also recognize that publishing, academia, and libraries have traditionally centered white voices. This research guide aims to present strategies to help faculty find works by historically marginalized voices to incorporate into course content.
On these pages, you will find:
There are limits and hidden biases at work that stem from our privileges and perspectives. We have attempted to bring together relevant resources highlighting perspectives from scholars who are Black, Indigenous, non-Black People of Color (BIPOC), LBGTQIA+ folks, people who have disabilities, and all marginalized genders. This is not an all-encompassing list of experiences. We welcome feedback and suggestions for the guide.
Because of the ever-involving nature of this IDE work, this guide will be updated on a regular basis. If you have any feedback or suggestions to add to the guide, please contact
In partnership with the Perlman Center for Teaching and Learning (LTC), we encourage you to check out the plethora of resources available from the LTC on topics such as inclusion and diversifying course content.
This LibGuide was adapted from the University of Minnesota Libraries, SUNY Potsdam Libraries, and George Mason University Libraries.
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