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HIST 230: Black Americans and the U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction

Professor Rebecca Brüeckmann - Spring 2023


Welcome to the HIST 230 Research Guide! Here you will find resources to help you with your history research. Use the side navigation to find:

Reference Sources

Begin your search with reference works to find background information, locate statistics and facts, gather ideas for keywords to use in searching databases and build a bibliography.  Come back to these sources to clarify concepts or facts as you continue your research. 


info_outline Search Catalyst for CDs, DVDs, LPs, and streaming audio and video held by St. Olaf and Carleton.
info_outline Search or browse research and how-to guides curated by your librarians.

Catalyst is the shared online catalog of the libraries of Carleton College and St. Olaf College. It provides an access point to the books, periodicals, government documents, and electronic resources available at Carleton or St. Olaf.

Library of Congress Subject Headings are the words and phrases you can use to do a subject search in Catalyst (as opposed to a keyword search, where you may use any words you like).

When starting out, it is often helpful to do a keyword search on your topic, and then to examine the subject headings of the results you find relevant. Catalyst displays these subject headings as links and clicking on one of them will automatically conduct a subject search for that particular topic. 


Try searching for these subjects...

On African Americans: 

  • African-Americans—Attitudes—History

  • African-Americans—Biography

  • African-Americans—Civil War

  • African-Americans—Confederate states

  • African-Americans—History

  • African-Americans—Revolution

  • African-Americans—Segregation—History

  • African-Americans—Social conditions

  • African-Americans—Suffrage—History

On topics/events:

Key Databases

Internet Resources