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PSYC 216: Behavioral Neuroscience

For Prof. Lawrence Wichlinski

APA 7th Style Manual

General elements of a citation

At a minimum a citation should include the following components:

  • Who:  The author, authors, or organizations responsible for the piece
  • What:  Title of the piece
  • When:  When the piece was published
  • Where:  Where the piece was published or presented
  • Journal Volume & Issue

Additional components that are often included in citations include:

  • DOI: a digital object identifier, which is a persistent link to the article
  • URL: for online sources

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a citation manager that allows you to collect, organize and share your research sources, including articles, books, webpages, and more. Zotero also integrates with Google Docs and Microsoft Word to allow you to create in-text citations and bibliographies in seconds.

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