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Gould Data Knowledge Base

Carleton IRB Policy on Research using the LAPOP Datasets

Research in which the only involvement of human subjects is via the use of these data falls categorically under the exemption 46.101(b)(4) and thus precludes the need for individuals to apply to the IRB on a case by case basis.  If the research involves additional interaction with human subjects (beyond the use of the LAPOP data), then the researcher must submit an application to the IRB.

LAPOP: Latin American Public Opinion Project

LAPOP is a series of public opinion surveys conducted by Mitchell Seligson of Vanderbilt University. The project consists of over 60 surveys of individuals in Latin American countries about their views on system support, political tolerance, citizen participation, local government, corruption, and authoritarianism. Read more.

Carleton Access

There are two ways to access LAPOP data and statistics.

1. Summary Statistics

Online data analysis of most of the datasets is available on the LAPOP web site. Run frequencies to find how specific survey questions were answered (i.e., what percentage of Guatemalans attend church every Sunday). Familiarity with social science data structure and fluency in Spanish is recommended. Librarians are happy to help.

2. Complete Datasets at Carleton

Carleton College and St. Olaf College Libraries participate in the LAPOP Repository program and currently hold the following datasets (rmicrodata files formatted for use with statistical software).