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Flip through magazines on your computer or mobile device using Flipster

Read magazines on any device!

Flipster logoWhat is it?

Flipster is an easy-to-use, digital magazine newsstand for the whole Carleton community. It it accessible through your browser or a mobile app.

Current titles are listed in the left sidebar. Most provide access from 2015 to the current issue

You can access Flipster titles on your mobile device

  1. Download the app for iOS (iOS 9+)Android (4.2.2+), or Kindle Fire
  2. Launch the app, and click "Get Started."
  3. Find Carleton College by searching by name or zip code (55057) (make sure not to choose Carleton Library in Victoria, Canada!). Click "Log In" next to Carleton College.
  4. If you're not connected to Carleton's network, you'll be prompted to log in with your Carleton credentials.
  5. Browse titles, download issues, and enjoy!

                                                           Flipster screen shot on iPhone