InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows Carleton students, staff, and faculty to request items that Carleton and St. Olaf do not own from other libraries. NOTE: Items can take from 2 days to 2 weeks to arrive.
Read&Write is a powerful literacy software to help with reading, writing, and studying. It is available for download by anyone with a Carleton email account. The software works with Mac, PC, and Chromebooks.
Provides the analytical connections showing readers how issues and actions are translated into public policies and persistent institutions for resolving or managing environmental conflict in the U.S.
(Searches through citations, subject indexing, and some full text)
This is a key starting place for research in several different fields, providing bibliographies on current scholarship on topics from the social sciences and humanities.
To see who has cited an article or book recently, search for the article or book in Google Scholar. Then click the "Cited by" link under the appropriate result. You can then search within the list of works that cited your original work. Sometimes you will find free PDFs by clicking on the "all x versions" links as well. Learn more!
(Searches through citations, subject indexing, and some full text)
The premier research tool for scientific study. Includes the Web of Science citation indexes, BIOSIS Previews, Current Contents Connect, Derwent Innovations Index, Inspec, and MEDLINE.
Remember to read the text around the text: table of contents, footnotes, and bibliography. They'll tell you what that author things is important.
Vetting scholarship
In order to learn how well (or poorly) received a book or article was in the field, read reviews! You can also use reviews to discover new scholarship in the field. They can also point you at similar (or better) books or articles.
HINT: add the key words "review" or "review article" to your Catalyst search.
Articles in this collection offer comprehensive summaries of the state of research on topics from many disciplines in the sciences and social sciences, including Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. Covers 1997 - current.
The Advanced Search allows you to select the publications you want to search. For example,if you want to find articles only from the field of sociology, type “sociology” into the “Published in” search box, and the system will pull up the title for Annual Review of Sociology for you. You can select multiple publications to search. The main search box (“Enter search term here”) allows you to search all editions of Annual Reviews.