Crazy Frog got its name because if you look at it head on it looks like two big eyes with a wide mouth between. This is a great default machine to use if you have a microfilm project on hand.
You can find Crazy Frog connected to a lab computer in the area just behind and to the left of the Research/IT desk area, between the desk area and the wall of offices. It's the one set up so that you'll be facing the back of the library as you use it.
Turn on the computer and select Microsoft Windows before logging on. (The microfilm scanner doesn't work on a Mac.)
Find the ScanPro program and launch it (if there isn't an icon on the desktop, you'll be able to find the program in the Start menu). This will power up the microfilm scanner.
On the left side, put your reel of film onto the metal rod sticking out of the left "eye."
Pull the metal tray (the "mouth") out from under the center area. When it is pulled all the way forward, the top pane of glass will open up.
When the Stage is fully open, the computer screen will show you an animation of how to load the film.
On the right side, make sure the words on the spool label are lined up so that you can read them right side up. Then it's often easiest to bring the film to the front of the spool and press it into the slot below the label in order to secure the end.
To move forward and backward, use the navigation arrows on the computer screen, or use your hands on the spools to fine-tune your location.
To move side to side, use the tray of the stage and move the stage forward or back with your hands.
To rotate your view, use the rotating arrow icons on the computer screen.
Pull the metal tray (the "mouth") out from under the center area. When it is pulled all the way forward, the top pane of glass will open up.
When the Stage is fully open, place the microfiche between the glass panes and then push the Stage back into the machine.
To move around the fiche, use the handle on the front of the Stage and move the whole stage around.
Aside from location in the film, all the adjustments you can make are in the toolbar on the computer screen. Be aware that some buttons look like one button but are actually multiple buttons. Clicking and holding down the down arrow in the Zoom button (for example) will zoom in, while clicking and holding down the up arrow on that button will zoom out.
See our one-page start-up guide below.
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