Below you will see a list of links to individual journals' records in Catalyst. Those records typically include online access to a journal via multiple databases and platforms. The most common points of access will be the publisher's website (Wiley, Taylor & Francis, etc.), which allows you to do a full-text search of a journal. EBSCOhost, which will allow to search article abstracts in more issues of a journal, but not full-text -- meaning you will (typically) see fewer articles in your results list, but they may be more "relevant" than most full-text results. JSTOR, which blocks more recent articles (5-6 year embargo, typically), but can allow you a full-text search of older issues. (Good for looking at historical studies or searching niche topics.)
Think about the following to brainstorm what subjects or keywords you might use to search Web of Science and PsycINFO:
Use the keywords and subjects you get from answering those questions to find articles on those subjects in Web of Science and PsycINFO.
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