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HIST 100.03 Food and Public Health: Why the Brits Embraced White Bread

Prof. Susannah Ottaway - Fall 2023

Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) rules

The End Product: Footnote

1. “The Re-Appearance Of Cattle Plague In North Lancashire,” Times (London), December 13, 1866, The Times Digital Archive,

The End Product: Bibliography

“The Re-Appearance Of Cattle Plague In North Lancashire.” Times (London). December 13, 1866. The Times Digital Archive.

1. Gather publication info

Screenshot of metadata in Gale database

Author = Use it if it's given. If not, leave blank.

Title of article = The Re-Appearance Of Cattle Plague In North Lancashire

  • NOTE: In this case, the title as given in the database-supplied data is incomplete. You'll need to write in the rest yourself.

Publication title = Times (London)

  • NOTE: Leave in the place of publication, since there are multiple newspapers called The Times. London is a well known city, so it needs no country afterward.

Publication date = December 13, 1866

  • NOTE: Include edition or section information if applicable. This example has neither.
  • NOTE: Page numbers may usually be omitted for newspaper articles.
  • NOTE: Because Gale supplies a tinyurl that is stable, you do not also need to include the name of the database: "To cite an article consulted online, include the URL or, if no suitable URL is available, the name of the database." I have put it here out of an abundance of caution.
  • NOTE: Because this is a stable archive and not a live news site (unlike, say, the Washington Post app), you do not need to include a time stamp from when you accessed the article online.


2. Gather Stable URL

Copy the Bookmark URL and paste it into another document

  • Click the Bookmark link in the gray menu bar
  • Copy the tinyurl

Entering in Zotero

Gale newspaper article in Zotero