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ECON 110: Introduction to Macroeconomics (Dalgaard)

For Professor Bruce Dalgaard - Winter 2020

Getting to the Catalog

The first search option from the library home page is to "search books, scores, articles, audio/video, reserves"  in Catalyst, which simultaneously searches the local catalog and an incredibly large database of scholarly articles and other resources.

This is a great option for research, but for this assignment, you'll be better served by searching the local catalog on its own and the specialized databases separately.

Screenshot example of library home page with Books tab selected

Or, since you're already here, search using the box below.

Books & eBooks

Tips for Searching Catalyst

  • Use concepts not natural language
  • Separate concepts with AND, separate synonyms with OR
  • Start simple then adapt (facets help narrow search results)
  • Enclose phrases in quotes: "economic history" "french revolution"
  • When you have too many results, look for subject headings to focus and narrow your results