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HIST 283: Christian Encounter, Conversion, and Conflict in Modern Africa

Professor Thabiti Willis -- Spring 2017

LibKey Nomad

Multiple Paths into the Scholarship

There are multiple avenues into the historical scholarship of a topic, subfield, or area.  Some of these paths are represented by a specific tool while others are a strategy or approach.

  • Known secondary literature
  • Reference works
  • Finding articles (look in: Indexes and databases)
  • Finding books (look in: Catalogs like Catalyst)
  • Book reviews

Search a database

How to find a journal article?

  1. Click the Find It! button, and follow links into full text
  2. No full text? Look up the journal title in Catalyst and try browsing to the article (it might be on paper!)
  3. Still no luck? Submit an Inter-Library Loan (ILL) request