A collection of digital facsimiles of transcripts of interviews conducted with Soviet émigrés to West Germany, Austria, and the United States, in 1950 and 1951. The transcripts are in English, and focus on life in the Soviet Union between 1917 to 1939, but there are also a lot of accounts of life during the revolution. All of the interviews were conducted in the person's native language, but the interviews were translated, on the fly, into English.
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The oldest Soviet and Russian academic history journal, Voprosy istorii (“Issues of History”) has offered scholarly perspectives on events in Russia and the world since 1926. Published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, this legendary journal covering Russian and world history was first published under the title Istorik-Marksist (Marxist Historian, 1926-1941), then Istoricheskii zhurnal (History Journal, 1937-1945) and finally under the present title (since 1945). More info.
Includes writings by famous Marxists, transcribed correspondence, and a brief encyclopedia (remember: this is an encyclopedia written by Marxists.org).
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Search across all of Carleton's Readex collections at once. Includes historical newspapers, government documents, books, ephemera, history of science and artificial intelligence, and the like.
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Includes translated books, reports, serials, journal and newspaper articles, radio and television broadcasts from nations around the globe with an emphasis on communist and third-world countries. Covers 1957 - 1994.
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Translated broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from around the globe, 1941 - 1996.
A comprehensive current news database, contains hundreds of local, regional, national, and international news sources. Coverage for many Russian sources starts in 2013 and continues to the present.
A collection including foreign newspapers on microfilm, on paper, and digital. Filmed material may be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan.
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The Center for Research Libraries has a number of microfilmed collections, international newspapers, and official documents from countries outside the U.S.
Foreign newspapers, publications, and some dissertations (some digital, some on microfilm). You may request microfilm reels and other materials through Interlibrary Loan, though CRL will sometimes digitize small requests.
Each guide includes a short writeup on the landscape of the field of study, links to relevant primary source collections at CRL, and links out to related sources.
The references below feature the strengths of CRL's holdings. Links point to more detailed descriptions in our catalog, and where available point to digital version of the content or digitized finding aids for microfilm.