Genealogical records, census data, military records, photos, and historical maps from International coverage with particular strength in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Dates of coverage vary by collection.
Get quick and easy access to current and historical U.S. census data and demographic information. Covers 1790 - 2010.
NOTE: You will need to register with your Carleton email address to begin fully using this database.
Large-scale maps of American towns and cities. Maps include information such as the outline of each building; the size, shape and construction materials, heights, and function of structures; and locations of windows and doors. The maps also give street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, house and block numbers, railroad and streetcar track information, and some utility information. Covers 1867 - 1970.
The BLM deals with mining and national parks, among other things. There's not a lot of information here, but they do have some federal land records and legislation that deals with public lands.
The BLM Library collection includes a full range of land and natural resource management publications including wildlife, vegetation, soil, air, water, geology, minerals, archaeology, energy, landscape ecology, rangeland, and others.
An independent website of curated primary and secondary sources about the National Park Service. Compiled by two former NPS employees. As always, use with discretion. Contains publications from the Bureau of Land Management.
Includes documents requested by FOIA, plus links to relevant portions of Land Records, GIS info, statistics, the Federal Register, Congressional testimony, and more.