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HIST 298: Junior Colloquium

Resources for historians

General Reference

A reference work can help you become acquainted with the literature on a topic if you are not aware of any works on your topic. The bibliographies of subject entries point you to the core work on a topic (as current as the publication of the book).

ADVANCED CATALYST SEARCH: Subject (contains) [general keyword] + bibliography

Background theoretical concepts

Three ways to find reference sources

1. Search REFERENCE BOOK TITLES in Catalyst
Facet: Collection = Carleton Reference Collection


2. Search REFERENCE ARTICLES in Catalyst
Facet: Material type = Reference Entries


3. ​Search REFERENCE ARTICLES in the database Reference Universe

Dissertations and Theses

Dissertations and theses are written by graduate students. While they have been approved by a committee of faculty, they have not been published by a commercial publisher. HINT: read their bibliographies first! Also remember that not all dissertations and theses have been (or can be) digitized; you may need to ILL them or go read them in person.

Genres of Reference Sources