Tip: Usually, it's helpful to start a search trying out lots of synonyms for your topic. Then, narrow your search using the precise classifications (or subject headings) each database uses to sort its articles into categories.
Web of Science is a particularly good database to hone in on articles about a theorist or theory and other topics, rather than just articles written by that theorist. You can search this in two ways.
1. From the home page, search the theorist as "topic." Then, search again from within the results for more specific topics such as stranger, exile, foreign, hospitality, etc. This first option locates and searches a group of articles that include the theorist in the abstract, title, or keywords.
2. From "Cited Reference Search," search the theorist as "cited author." Next, select all results and go to search. Next, from within the results, search for more specific topics such as stranger, exile, etc. This second option locates and searches within a narrower group of articles that specifically cite your theorist.
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