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Installing additional citation styles

  1. Go to the Zotero Style Repository
  2. Search for your citation style
  3. Click on the name of the style you want to install and go through the installation process it provides.
  4. Back in your Zotero application, go to Edit > Settings > Cite (On a Mac, it's Zotero > Settings > Cite), and select your new style as your default.

Annotated Bibliographies

  • Search the Zotero Style Repository for a style with an annotated bibliography. As of 2024, only APA and Chicago have an annotated version.  
  • Build your bibliography in Zotero. Put your annotations in the "Extra" field.
  • In Zotero, select all the items you want in your published bibliography, right click, "Create Bibliography from items..."
    • Choose the style that includes annotations
    • Output mode = Bibliography
    • Output method = Copy to clipboard
  • Paste into your document. You may need to modify style formatting (spacing, indents, margins, etc).

Zotero with Google Docs

Zotero tools not appearing in Google Docs?

Try these in order until the problem is resolved:

  1. Clear your browser's Cache and Cookies (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
  2. Be sure you have your Zotero Connector installed
  3. Log into (sometimes this helps the Connector know who you are)
  4. Try closing and re-opening the Google Doc, often more than once.
  5. Talk to a librarian

Zotero tools very slow or stuck?

If you have a large library, your computer may be working hard to track all of them all the time. Try clicking on "Document Preferences" and unchecking the box that says "Automatically Update Citations."

You may have closed or hidden your Zotero application. Zotero must be running, and all pop-ups will come from the Zotero program rather than from your browser. Try bringing your Zotero program to the front of your screen to see if a dialog box needs your attention.

If you have more than one Google account, you may have linked your zotero tools with the wrong Google Account. Try giving your other Google account editing privileges on this document.


Zotero on your Mobile Devices

Using Zotero with a Spreadsheet

To use your citations in a spreadsheet, you need to save your library into a CSV file. It's very simple!

  1. Go to File > Export Library.
  2. Set Format to CSV and click OK.
  3. Now you can open it in Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers.

Exporting Citations to LaTeX/BibTeX

Foreign Language Research

If you are writing in or using a language other than English, let Zotero know so that it can alphabetize appropriately for that language.

  1. In Zotero, open Settings (under the "Zotero" menu on a Mac or the "Edit" menu on Windows).
  2. Click the "Export" tab.
  3. Select your language from the "Language" dropdown menu.

Moving between Zotero and EndNote

Moving from Zotero to EndNote

NOTE: You will not be able to automatically migrate PDFs and Notes from Zotero to EndNote, even though there are options that make it look like this should be possible.

  1. In Zotero, select the items you wish to move to EndNote
  2. Right-click on one of the selected items and select "Export Item(s)"
  3. Choose the "EndNote XML" format.
  4. In EndNote, go to File > Import and select the XML file you just exported from Zotero AND BE SURE TO CLICK "OPTIONS" and select "EndNote Generated XML" from the "Import Options" menu before clicking the "Import" button.

Moving from EndNote to Zotero

  1. Select the entries you wish to export.
  2. Click File > Export
    --Be sure to save your exported file into the .data file for your EndNote library! So if your library is Library.enl and its data folder is, save your exported items into the folder. Otherwise Zotero won't be able to find your PDFs.
    --Under "Save file as type" select "XML."
  3. In Zotero, click File > Import.
  4. Tell Zotero that you're importing a file, and then show it where to find the XML file that you just saved to your EndNote data folder.