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NCompass Centerline & Landmarks Data

The NCompass Street Centerline and Landmarks Datasets consist of shapefiles for use with GIS software and cover the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and beyond as well as three Wisconsin counties (Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix). See the overview description or the full metadata descriptions for the centerlines and landmarks datasets.

Use Restrictions: These data are licensed through NCompass and MetroGIS (formerly TLG) for use only by current Carleton students, faculty and staff for not-for-profit personal and academic use only. Users agree not to redistribute the data and to cite it in any research resulting from its use.

Centerline and landmark files* can be found on the campus GIS storage volume, accessible from lab computers.


From a  Mac:
Open finder, in the menu, select "Go" then "Connect to Server..." In the window that pops up, enter afp:// and click Connect. You will need to enter your Carleton credentials. When prompted for the volumes you want to mount on "" select GISVOL then click OK. Once you can see the files, navigate to GIS > GISdata > USA > States > MN > MetroGIS > Streets_LicenseRestricted.

From a PC:
Double click on "My Computer," under "Network Drives" click on gisvol > GIS > GISdata > USA > States > MN > MetroGIS > Streets_LicenseRestricted.

Citation:  "NCompass Technologies" should be listed as a source of the data.

* Parcel data from MetroGIS and NCompass are also available from the GIS server.