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DGAH 110: Hacking the Humanities

Professor Austin Mason - Winter 2024

Where to Find Us

The Archives is located on the first floor of Gould Library.  

Carleton College Archives

Tom Lamb

For all your College history needs

Tom Lamb is the College Archivist. He and his staff are happy to help you access and explore documents created by or about people associated with Carleton College.

Email or call 507-222-4270 to get started!

What to know before you visit...

  1. Researchers must sign in when they arrive.   
  2. Materials may not leave the Archives.
  3. Use care when handling materials. Because residue from lotions, hand sanitizer, food, etc. can remain on hands and easily damage older materials even when hands appear clean, researchers are asked to wash and dry hands when they come to the Archives. While clean, dry hands are typically sufficient to protect materials from damage, researchers may occasionally be asked to wear gloves (cotton or latex) when handling film, photographs, and other materials.

  4. Ask for assistance before scanning or photographing materials.

  5. Ink pens are not allowed in the research room.  Pencils are available. Computer or tablets may be used.

  6. Coats must be hung on the coat rack. Bags and other belongings must be left on the floor nearby the coat rack or in the College Archivist's office.

  7. No food or liquid can be allowed in the research room of the Archives.