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HIST 346: The Holocaust

Prof. David Tompkins, Spring 2023

The missing primary sources



Why is this space empty?

Library collections about the Holocaust are always incomplete. Some of these collecting gaps are due to the horrors of war; some are due to negligence and deliberate action to alter the historical record of this period. 

Some of the voices in this guide are extreme and hate-filled. However you can use the gaps and omissions in their words to give life back to those who are missing.

What are primary sources?

Primary sources are first-hand accounts, that serve as original evidence documenting a period, event, people, idea or work. 

Primary sources can be printed materials like books or newspapers, manuscript and archival materials like diaries and documents, artifacts, and audio/visual materials. Primary materials can be found in analog, digitized, and born-digital forms. 

Some examples of primary sources include:

  • Memoirs, speeches, writings, correspondence
  • Papers of a political party, agency, or association
  • Official documents such as congressional hearings and reports
  • Contemporary magazine and newspaper articles
  • Contemporary art, films, literature, and music
  • Contemporary artifacts, such as buildings and monuments


Specific digital collections

Government & IGO documents

Searching Catalyst

There are many specific Subject Headings that the library uses to catalog books. These subject headings can help you find things you wouldn't have thought to search for. These are a few examples of Subject Headings: