(Searches through citations, subject indexing, and abstracts)
Indexes journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all scholarly fields of religion. Covers 1949 - current.
(Searches through citations, subject indexing, and abstracts)
Includes scholarship (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide. 1971-current. The reference section of the library also has BAS from 1960-1990 in physical form (ref DS 501 B49 1960)
(Searches through citations, subject indexing, and some full text)
A broad index of all aspects of religious and spiritual studies worldwide. Covers 1968 - present.
(Searches through citations and the full text)
Use Google's special academic search to locate scholarly articles from across disciplines. On campus, the preferences are set to indicate the Library's full-text access to what you find (links on the right). Use the "cited by" link to see who has cited a particular work you're interested in.