Check out this book as you plan your research. Or, after you've done your research, use this book to help you determine how to use your information effectively.
The internet is not the same in every country! Before you go abroad check with your librarian or the Academic Technologists to see if you will have access to things like Gmail that you will need while you're abroad.
Also, be aware that things like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and even regular old Google have country-specific platforms and contents. In some cases you may be able to get around these differences by using the a VPN, Proxy, or different URLs.
Install and use Carleton's VPN (this is easiest to do if you're on campus when you install it)
Use a proxy browser, such as TorBrowser, which allows you to select the country you want the internet to think you're from at the moment.
Manually typing in (the .com ending may be all that's needed) or if that's not enough, use (the NCR means "No Country Redirect") will get you results that may be more useable to you.
Wherever you are in the world with an internet connection, much of the library’s collection can be accessed online. The library subscribes to many resources that are available electronically; they are almost always available from off-campus, but the vendor - database provider - must know that you are a Carleton-affiliated individual.
Please let us know if you are having trouble reaching our resources from off-campus.
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