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Resources, tips, tools and data sources for economics research at Carleton

Newspapers and Trade Journals

Newspapers are available to the Carleton community through the library in three formats: online, in paper, and in microform. The library only receives a few titles in paper form, which are kept on the 4th floor in the Rookery for about a month until we receive the microform. Access to historical papers is assured through the microform version of these titles and many more, which are kept on the 3rd floor.

Online, the library subscribes to hundreds of titles, which you access through the databases listed below allowing you to search across many papers at once. If you need to know if the library has access to a particular paper, search the Journals List.

Trade publications are also accessible largely through the databases below.

**Comps Writers:
Looking to literature aimed at a popular audience is a good way to explore possible topics and is an efficient way to assess the state of what is known on a given topic. Rather than moving from one in-depth research article to the next, start with some of these sources to find news articles, secondary reports of research, and overviews.