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BIOL 126: Energy Flow in Biological Systems

Profs. Rand, Mitra, Hansen, and Kalis - Winter 2025

Getting Started with Zotero

Install Zotero on Your Laptop

1. Sign up for a free Zotero account at

2. Install the Zotero desktop program by going to and clicking the blue "Download" button, then proceeding through the installation process.

  • To ensure that the Microsoft Word add-in installs correctly, please close (PC) or quit (Mac) Microsoft Word BEFORE installing the Zotero desktop program.

3. Install the Zotero browser connector for your preferred internet browser:

  • Chrome, Firefox, and Edge users: Go to and click the blue button labeled "Install [browser name] connector," then proceed through the installation process.
  • Safari users: In the Safari browser, click Safari in the upper left corner of your screen. Next, click Preferences, then Extensions. From this page, click the checkbox next to "Zotero Connector" and click "Turn On" to enable the browser extension.

4. Configure Zotero's preferences

  • In Zotero, click "Edit" (PC) or "Zotero" (Mac), then click "Preferences."
  • In "Preferences," click "Sync" and enter the username and password you created for your online account. This will sync your online and desktop accounts.
  • In "Preferences," click "Cite," then click "Word Processors." If it isn't already installed, click the button that says "Install Microsoft Word Add-in." You will need to close (PC) or quit (Mac) Microsoft Word for the add-in to install.

For a step-by-step demonstration of the Zotero installation and setup process, please watch the video above. If you have questions or need help getting Zotero set up on your computer, please contact your librarian.