1972 - Present
Organized by SOUL, BSA, and other student organizations over the years, Black History Month is marked annually with events, speakers, and campus-wide conversations annually since 1972.
Office of Multicultural Affairs - Black History Month
31 folders on Black History Month between 1976-1993
Speakers include:
Gill Scott Heron
James Turner
Thomas Todd
Margaret Simms
Manning Marable
Haki Madhubuti
Ruby Dee
Gwendolyn Brooks
MLK Celebration 1986-1993 (8 Folders)
March 1, 1973. page 3. Blacks Reflect On History.
January 26, 1979. front. Burke kicks off Black History Month.
February 8, 1980. front. Jordan speech begins Black History Month.
March 2, 1984. page 3. Black History Month conludes with Reatha King speech on black heritage.
February 1, 1985. page 12. Boliou exhibit focuses on black America's struggles.
February 22, 1985. page 17. The black woman's role in today's world.
February 21, 1986. page 2. Poetry reading to highlight Black History Month.
February 5, 1988. page 2. Month of events to examine treatment of Black in U.S>
February 3, 1989. page 2. Black History Month events planned.
February 2, 1990. page 3. Black History Month celebration begins.
February 23, 1990. page 3. Black Community at Carleton.
February 1, 1991. page 7. BDAG, Bill T. Jones highlight Black History Month.
February 26, 1998. page 2. Black History Month observed.
February 12, 1999. front. Speaker ushers in Black History Month.
February 18, 2000. front. Carleton celebrates Black History Month.
February 16, 2001. page 2. Prolific journalist discusses racism.
February 6, 2004. page 6. Celebrating community and promoting dioloug during Black History Monht at Carleton.
February 24, 2006. front. We Speak wraps up Black History Month.
February 8, 2008. page 3. "Boots" Riley brings hip-hop activism for Black History Month.
February 13, 2009. page 2. Convocation by Duke University Professor kicks off Black History Month.
February 11, 2011. page 2. Prof. shines light on history of Black History Month.
March 1, 2013. front. Remembrance, reflection at Black History Month service
February 24, 2017. page 4. Black Student Alliance We Speak event honors Black History Month.
Questions? Contact reference@carleton.edu
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