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Carleton College Archives: History of BIPOC Student Organizations at Carleton

LibKey Nomad

American Native People's Organization

ANPO or Native American People’s Organization (NAPO) 

1987 - 1992, 1999 - 2010

First recognized in 1985, the American Native People’s Organization, or ANPO, aimed to support Native American students and educate the non-Native community with speakers, films, and events. Also referred to as the Native American People’s Organization (NAPO) this organization was reorganized in 1999 after a lapse in activity and remained active until 2010. 

Office of Multicultural Affairs

Office of Multicultural Affairs - Student Organizations - ANPO - 

  • ANPO (American Native Peoples Organization)
  • Native American Day Nov. 10, 1985
  • Twin Bluff Junior High - Nov. 10, 1988 visit
  • Indian Educational Conference 1988 
  • Meetings and Notices 1988-89
  • 1990
  • At the Foot of the Mountain Theater 1990
  • 1990/91
  • Dinner Suzan Shown Harjo 1991
  • Convocation John White and Dinner 1992
