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ECON 395: International Economics

For Professor Prathi Seneviratne - comps 2014-15

Most Important Indexes to the Literature

New Palgrave

EconLit Tips

EconLit is the main index to Economics journal literature and is created by the American Economic Association.  A search in this database of citations allows you to search across the contents of 100s of journals at once.

Guidance for searching EconLit
Tips for making the most of your search in this key index of Economic scholarly literature.

Some of the JEL subject descriptors of particular use to this seminar are:

  • C-Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
  • H-Public Economics
  • K-Law and Economics
  • O-Economic Development
  • Q-Environmental and Ecological Economics

Remember that both searching and browsing are worthwhile strategies. Spend some time with keywords and some time browsing the contents of specific journals or articles assigned specific subject headings.

Google Scholar - General Tips

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when searching Google Scholar.

1. Be sure to set your Scholar preferences to search the Gould library database holdings to check for our access to the full text.  This link is in the upper-right-hand corner of the home page.

2. To get to the full-text of articles and other items from your search results, remember to follow the links on the right-hand side of the page.

3. If you are an EndNote user, you can also set your Scholar preferences to import citations to EndNote.