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ECON 284: Economic Development in Japan

For Professor Bruce Dalgaard - Fall 2012

Welcome to Library-based Research!

For this course you will need to do research using many types of materials.  We will meet together and explore strategies for doing library-based research and practice those steps.  This guide will provide access to many of the materials you need, and will suggest other places you might find helpful. 

My contact information is on the right-hand side of this page, but feel free to contact any of the reference librarians on duty at the Research/IT desk on 4th Libe.

Japanese Economy

World's longest suspension bridge, in Hyogo

Photo of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, "World's Longest Suspention Bridge, in Hyogo" by Aurelio Asiain via Flickr. CC:


This guide is an edited version of one originally written by Kris MacPherson for Bruce Dalgaard's Economic Development of Japan course, Econ 238, in the fall of 2011 at St. Olaf College. Many thanks to Kris for sharing her good ideas.