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Information and tips to effectively use the EndNote Program.


  • When you start an EndNote library, you'll end up with two items: a library ending in .enl and a .data file. (So, for example, MyLibrary.enl and These two files must always be in the same folder on your computer together.
  • Be sure to never use your library while these files are in cloud storage (like Dropbox). This will likely corrupt your files. If you store your library in the cloud, download it before each use and then upload it again when you're done.

Direct Import

Several of the library's research databases have a "direct export to EndNote" option available. Look for these options in databases from Clarivate (Web of Science, Web of Knowledge, etc) and databases from EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier, PsycINFO, etc).

The process is slightly different for each database, but here are the basic steps.

  1. Open the research database and begin searching
  2. As you find relevant sources, mark them or save them to a folder, however that database allows you to save items
  3. When you're finished searching...
    1. In EBSCOhost databases, go to your folder of saved items, select them all, and then select "Export" on the right-hand side. From there, select "Direct Export" to EndNote.
    2. In Clarivate databases, at the top of your result list select "Save to EndNote Desktop" from the menu. Then be sure to save the "Full Record."

See below for ways to add PDFs to your library

Import via Downloaded File

Most research databases allow you to export files of saved records that EndNote can then import. The exact steps may vary from database to database but here are the basic steps. (For, please follow these separate special instructions.)

1) Start in the research database of your choice

  1. Open the research database and begin searching
  2. As you find relevant sources, mark them or save them to a folder if possible, however that database allows you to save items
  3. When you're finished searching, go to your list of saved/marked records and find an Export, Save, or Download option
  4. Many databases will name EndNote as an export option, but if yours does not, select RIS, BibTeX, or "Generic bibliographic management software" options. EndNote can read any of those formats.
    NOTE: Whenever possible, select a "full record" export, since that will capture more information, including the often-crucial "short title" for journals.
  5. Save the resulting file to your computer.
    NOTE: If your browser opens the file rather than saving it, use the "Save page as" feature in your browser and save the file with a .txt ending.

2) Continue In EndNote

  1. Click the "File" menu and select "Import"
  2. In the Import box, navigate to and select the file you just downloaded and click "Import"

See below for ways to add PDFs to your library

Manual Entry

You can add references manually:

  1. In EndNote, click the "References" menu and then select "New Reference"
  2. In the upper menu area of the New Reference box, the default reference type is "Journal Article" but you can change that to match the item you wish to enter.
  3. Proceed to fill in as much information as you can about the item.

See below for ways to add PDFs to your library

Search via EndNote

Several of the library's research databases are searchable from within EndNote.

  1. In EndNote, click the "Online Search Mode" icon
  2. In the left-hand navigation area, under "Online Search" click "More."
  3. Select the database you wish to search
    NOTE: databases that have been configured to work with Carleton's subscriptions have "CC" at the end of the database name. If you do not see "CC" you will likely not be able to search that database. If you do not see "CC" next to any databases (check Web of Science as an example), you need to go back to Step 3 of the installation process.
  4. Back in the main EndNote interface, enter your search terms and then hit the Enter key.
  5. EndNote will present you with a box saying how many results it found.
    NOTE: Importing thousands of references may cause the vendor to cut off Carleton's access, so please limit imports to batches of a couple hundred at a time if you are building a large-scale library.
  6. From the references that EndNote found for you, select the ones that you want to add to your library (hold down the Command key on a Mac or the Control key on Windows to select multiple references one by one -- hold down the Shift key to select a range of items)
  7. Click the "copy to local library" icon

See below for ways to add PDFs to your library

Adding PDFs and other files to your EndNote Library

For any entry that exists in EndNote you can attach full text in one of two ways:

Have EndNote find the full text automatically

(works often but not always - relies on DOI matching)

  1. In EndNote, select a reference or set of references.
  2. In the "References" menu, select "Find Full Text" and EndNote will attempt to find and download the full text for you.

Import a File

  1. In EndNote, click the "File" menu and then select "Import..."
  2. In the Import menu
    1. Select the file you wish to import
    2. Click the "Options" button and then under "Import Options" select "PDF File or Folder"
    3. Click "Import"

Add a File Manually

  1. Drag a PDF or other files onto its corresponding reference in EndNote
    Select or Open a reference item and click the paperclip icon. Then select the file to attach.