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Information and tips to effectively use the EndNote Program.

Full EndNote is not available for download to Chromebook, but you can use EndNote Online to do some work (instructions below). You may need to use EndNote on a Carleton Lab Computer in order to complete some assignments.

Zotero or ZoteroBib are good alternatives to EndNote for those working on Chromebooks.

Getting Set Up

Use your Carleton email address and create an account at EndNote Online

Adding references to your EndNote library

Option 1: The "Capture References" Bookmarklet

  1. In Endnote Online, click on "Downloads" and then drag the "Capture References" bookmarklet to your bookmark toolbar.
  2. When you're on a page that you'd like to save to Endnote Online, click the "Capture References" bookmarklet.
  3. Fill in or correct whatever information you can in the Capture References box.
  4. Click "Save."

Option 2: Web of Knowledge, other Clarivate databases, and EBSCO databases allow Direct Export to EndNote Online

  1. As you find relevant sources in these databases, mark them by clicking the check-box next to the record.
  2. When you're finished searching
    1. In Web of Knowldge or similar databases, at the top of your result list select "Save to EndNote Online" from the menu. Then be sure to save the "Full Record."
    2. In EBSCO databases, "Export" and then select "Direct Export to EndNote Web."

Option 3: A few databases allow you to search them through the "Collect" Tab in EndNote Online

  1. Use the "Online Search" section of Endnote Online's "Collect" tab and select the research database you wish to use. (You may have to first choose databases to be your "favorites" using the link next to listed databases.)
    NOTE: Databases that have been configured to work at Carleton have "CC" after the database name. If you do not see "CC" you will likely not be able to search that database. If you do not see "CC" next to any databases (check Web of Science as an example), you need to go back to Step 3 of the installation process.
  2. Conduct your search and check the boxes next to any item you want to save.
  3. Above your search results, use the "Add to group" menu to save selected references to your EndNote library.

Option 4: For all other research databases...

  1. In the research database, mark or save records that you want to import into EndNote.
  2. When saving/exporting the records select an option that names EndNote, or if none name EndNote then select an option that includes "RIS"
  3. In EndNote Online, click "Collect" and then "Import References"
  4. Select the file that you just downloaded from the research database
  5. Select an Import Option that best matches the database you were in. If you can't find anything that looks like a good match, try "ProCite RIS."
  6. Select the collection/folder where you want to put the new items
  7. Click "Import"

Organizing your Library

You can create "Groups" that are essentially folders within EndNote.

  1. In EndNote Online, click on Organize.
  2. Add, rename, delete, or manage sharing for subcollections within your library.
  3. Back in "My References" select items that you want to add to a group by checking the selection box to the left of the item.
  4. Use the dropdown menu above your reference list to "Add to group..." and select the group you want to add those references to.

Writing your Paper

You will not be able to use a Cite While You Write toolbar to add references to Google Docs.

Instead, create in-text citations or footnotes by hand as you work (see our citation guide for help with this). Then use EndNote Online to help you create your Bibliography:

  1. In EndNote Online, make sure the references you'll be using are in a "Group" or a "Quick List" (see "organizing" above)
  2. Click "Format" in EndNote Online, and then select "Bibliography"
  3. Select the Group that has your paper's references
  4. Select your preferred citation style
  5. Select "TXT (plain text file)" as your file format
  6. Copy/paste from the plain text file into your paper's bibliography