You can create "Groups" that are essentially folders within EndNote.
College lab computers are not equipped to supply you with the EndNote Online CWYW toolbar in Microsoft Word. To include citations in your paper using EndNote Online, follow the instructions listed at under Help > Format Paper. Note that if your style calls for citation of specific page numbers, you will have to type those in after the formatting process is complete.
On your own computer (not a Carleton lab computer), you can set up Microsoft Word with toolbars for both the EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online versions of this software follow the instructions on the EndNote support page for the CWYW Toolbar.
Enter a search term in the Search field to find the reference or references to insert. Refer to Search Tips in this topic or search operators for ways to refine your search.
You will not be able to use a Cite While You Write toolbar to add references to Google Docs.
Instead, create in-text citations or footnotes by hand as you work (see our citation guide for help with this). Then use EndNote Online to help you create your Bibliography:
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