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History Research Guide

Secondary & Reference Sources

Common Search Terms

  • Diseases and history
  • Diseases -- Influence on history
  • History and diseases
  • Epidemics + country
  • Communicable diseases -- Transmission
  • Disease -- History
  • Malaria (Ague, Chills and fever, Marsh fever, etc)
  • Cholera (Humors, bile, summer complaint)
  • Typhoid fever (Abdominal typhus, Enteric fever, Salmonella typhi)
  • Smallpox (Variola, small pox, Poxvirus)
  • Influenza (Flu, Grippe)

Medical History Sources

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has a large and extensive history of medicine collection.  As part of the library's mission to provide access and preserve its collection of books, ephemera, pamphlets, posters, etc, the library has created several digitized collections.

History of Science and Technology: Primary Sources