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History Research Guide

LibKey Nomad

Primary Sources in Catalyst

1. Do an author search (with facets) for persons, organizations, or group central to your topic.

  • Author (contains) Thomas Jefferson AND Publication Date 1700-1850 AND Show Only Physical Resources
    gives us: Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790

2. Do a keyword search for words that signify primary source (source, letters, narrative, laws) and words that represent your topic.

  • Any field (contains) "American Indian Movement" autobiography
    **Protip: quotes will search for the exact phrase.
    **Protip 2: This search strategy may get you a slightly chaotic set of results. REMEMBER TO SCROLL TO PAGE 2!

3. Do a subject search using a subject heading, then limit your search to publications produced during the era you are researching.

  • Subject (is exact) Child Welfare--United States AND Publication Date 1920-1950 sorted by Date-oldest 

Specialized Primary Source Types

Search CRL

The Center for Research Libraries has a number of microfilmed collections, international newspapers, and official documents from countries outside the U.S. 

The 1619 Project (New York Times)

The 1619 Project is an initiative from The New York Times observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It was originally published as an interactive website and an August 18, 2019 special issue of the New York Times Magazine.