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Carleton College Archives: History of BIPOC Student Organizations at Carleton

Negro Affairs Committee (NAC)

1967 - 1968 

First assembled in the Fall of 1967, this short-lived but highly influential group reorganized in the Spring of 1968 as SOUL. This marks the first organization of students of color on campus in the school's history. This group inspired many of the preceding organizations to build community, challenge hate, and celebrate culture on campus and beyond. 


October 19, 1967. front. Negro Group Probes Campus Role. 

November 2, 1967. front. Whites Respond to NAC Challenge. 

November 6, 1967. font. CSA Sponsors NAC Convo. 

November 9, 1967. page 2. Davis: Negro Pride Growing. 

November 23, 1967. page 6. Pall Hints at Student Split On NAC-WAC Intentions. 

January 11, 1968. page 5. NAC-WAC Teams Welcomed. 

January 18, 1968. page 6. Challenge Double Feature: Negro Minister. 

January 25, 1968. page 3. WASP's Fail to Understand. 

January 25, 1968. page 4. Surprise, Shock Expressed as Town Hears NAC Convo. Febua

February 22, 1968. page 3. NAC-WAC School Visits Show No Effect As Yet.  

October 3, 1968. page 5. Soul Loses its NAC. 

See Also

CONA (Committee on Negro Affairs), administration counterpoint to NAC which is occasionally also referred to as NAC.