1967 - 1969
Following the formation of NAC (Negro Affairs Committee), white students were motivated to effect change on campus and formed the White Action Committee (WAC) in 1967. WAC worked alongside NAC on a number of events and programs on campus and beyond. The groups organized the "Hometown Summer" project which had students visit communities and high schools in their hometowns to educate and challenge racism there. By 1969, NAC became SOUL and WAC fell into obscurity.
1987 - 1989
Nearly 20 years later following the We are Together vigil in the fall of 1987, White Students Against Racism (WSAR) aimed to challenge White students to take responsibility for racism on campus and work to improve the environment for Black students and students of color. In the spring of 1989, they were denied a charter by CSA as they felt the organization was too exclusive. The group reorganized into Whites Raising Our Awareness of Racism (WROAR). Only one year later, the group again reorganized as Students Against Racism (SAR) with an approved charter.
Despite a thin record in the archives, the Carletonian has a rich history of this organization.
1967 - 1969 | White Action Committee (WAC) |
1987 - 1988 | White Students Against Racism (WSAR) |
Spring 1989 - Fall 1989 | Whites Raising Our Awareness of Racism (WROAR) |
Fall 1989 | Students Against Racism (SAR) or Students Organized Against Racism (SOAR) |
Office of Multicultural Affairs - Student Organizations
1967-1968 WAC era
November 9, 1967. front. WAC Group Aims For Race Education.
November 23, 1967. page 6. Pall Hints at Student Split On NAC-WAC Intentions.
January 11, 1968. page 5. NAC-WAC Teams Welcomed.
February 22, 1968. page 3. NAC-WAC School Visits Show No Effect As Yet.
April 11, 1968. front. Mass Meeting Plans for Social Action.
April 18, 1968. page 3. White Group Plans Work Within White Communities.
1989 - 1990
April 21, 1989. front. White Students Against Racism denied charter.
September 29. 1989. page 8. WROAR sounds out racism an all-white viewpoint.
October 6, 1989. page 4. WROAR takes exception to Carletonian article.
May 25, 1990. page 3. Senate discusses budget, charters SAR.
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