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Carleton College Archives: History of BIPOC Student Organizations at Carleton

Afro-Caribbean Club (ACA)

African Student Association (AFRISA or ARISA) 2004 - 2015 

Club Caribe' 2005 - 2009 

Afro-Caribbean Club (ACA) or Afro-Caribbean Student Union  2013 - Present 

Originally separate organizations to support African and Caribbean students, Club Caribe' and AFRISA were succeeded by the African and Caribbean Association. Providing space and community to students from African or Caribbean backgrounds, this club hosts speakers, meals, and other events. 


2004 - 2007

In 1990 SOUL hosted the first Caribbean Week on campus which continued annually through 1992. 

AFRISA organized Umoja, a gathering for food, dancing, and speeches with other African organizations in the Midwest. The first Umoja was held in 2004 at Carleton, then the following year at Macalester before moving back to Carleton. 


April 9, 2004. front. AFRISA's intercollegiate pan-African celebration to become annual tradition. 

October 14, 2005. front. Students fast for Darfur relief. 

February 24, 2006. page 15. More than just a Carleton Effort: UMOJA (the organization behind the table). 

February 16, 2007. page 4. Students stage Darfur "die-in" in Sayles-Hill. 

May 22, 2015. page 5. African Cooking and Cultural Reggae. 




