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Carleton College Archives: History of BIPOC Student Organizations at Carleton

Hometown Summer Project

Summer 1968 

Also known as the Cleveland Project

In the summer of 1968, CSA, WAC (White Action Committee), and NAC (Negro Affairs Committee) organized The Hometown Summer Project, which aimed to “work towards practical solutions to racial tensions within the white community.” Students worked out of their hometowns or Cleveland Ohio to bring attention to issues of racism. A similar program had been run the previous winter, which focused primarily on high schools in students' hometowns. 


April 18, 1968. front. Student Meeting Organizes Carleton Hometown Project. 

May 2, 1968. page 5. Hometown Project Develops. 

May 9, 1968. page 9. Summer Project  Continues.

September 19, 1968. front. Race Activists Set Community Center. 

October 31, 1968. page 5 - 9. Focus: Racism. Many articles on the Hometown Summer Project. 
