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Carleton College Archives: History of BIPOC Student Organizations at Carleton


1995 - 2003 

Also known as

Carls Advocating Respect and Equality (CARE) 

First established in 1995 as Carls Advocating Respect and Equality (CARE), this organization sent out a survey to discern how comfortable Carls were with talking about issues of diversity and equality. After the survey, the group changed their name to Kairos, Greek for "the time is ripe" and began hosting conversation events on issues of diversity of race, gender, economic background, sexuality, and other identities. 


May 26, 1995. Page 8. CARE creates diversity discussions. 

April 5, 1996. page 2. Carleton Multicultural Office and Kairos organize retreat for discussion of diversity. 

February 2, 1999. front. Students react to recent hate speech with signs, ribbons. 

February 21, 2003. page 3. Kairos provides forum for discussion of race relations